Learn how to CHARGE the right price and present it in a way that makes your clients say YES.

It doesn’t matter how good your work is. If you don’t know how to price it, you will be broke and unhappy. Learning how to price changed my creative career and it can change yours too, if you choose to learn it.

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GHS 250

Join 200+ creatives

Imagine this for a second...

You’ve gone through the pain of pitching a client on your next project. They’re interested, you’ve discussed the scope, they want to work with you. Now comes the million cedi question...

How much will you charge?

All of a sudden you feel that anxiety and fear swelling up. You don’t know what to say. Price to high and you may lose the gig. Price too low and you’re stuck unhappy because you’ve undercharged for your work...

You feel lost.

This happened on your last project. You have watched Chris Do. He said to price based on the value. But your client will not even let you have that kind of a conversation. You wish you had a blue print. A way to think about pricing that works for a Ghanaian /African context. Maybe a checklist, a cheat sheet, a template... Anything than can make you more confident in your pricing....



A detailed course about how to think about pricing your work and using the process based pricing to present your prices confidently and get a yes from your client on your next project.

Inside you’ll learn

A wholesome, practical approach to pricing including...

01/ How I got here

I went from not being able to charge anything to charging an average of GHS 30,000 / project. I’ll share my journey and how I figured out this approach

02/ Choosing the right clients

What you’re able to charge largely depends on who you’re charging. Picking the right client is just as crucial when it comes to pricing

03/ Assessing the project

Not all projects are equal. Different projects require different approaches to pricing. Knowing this and choosing the right approach is crucial.

04/ Creating An Offer

How do you actually present your offering to your client. The perception of value by your client influences their willingness to pay your price. Learn how to make an offer your client can’t resist.

05/Discounts and pro-bono projects

How to approach discounts, use them and present them in a way that doesn’t diminish the value of your work leading in to the future.

06/ The Process Pricing Framework

Learn how to use this framework to present your price more confidently and increase the chances of your client saying yes

07/My proposal structure (Bonus)

Simple projects vs complex projects and how to price them

You’ll also get..

Workbook & Templates

Works books, checklists and cheatsheets you can use whenever you’re pricing

2 Live QnA sessions

Live QnA session when you can ask questions and get help with pricing your projects

Access to 100K Community

Join a community of like minded creatives who are growing their careers and improving their lives

Discount on future courses

Discounts on future courses, workshops and live events.

What Past students are saying

for only GHS 250

Tap for a sneak peek

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About your instructor

I’ve closed over GHS 1,000,000 worth of creative business deals.

I’ve been in the creative field for 10+ years. And I have spend the last 4 of those years focusing on the business side of things. Learning how to find high paying clients, closing 6 figure deals. I’m currently building 2 different agencies using the same frameworks and strategies I’m showing you in this course. The same strategies I’ve be sharing with some of the top creative freelancers in Ghana.

I’m on a mission with this course to get 1200 creatives to make their first GHS 100,000 by 2030. And this course is just the beginning of that journey.

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